TPM Webinar 13 – GHG & Environmental Measures

Resource Set: TPM Webinar 13 - GHG & Environmental Measures

This resource set includes the presentations shared at TPM Webinar 13 as well as the web-based resources and documents highlighted during the presentations. This collection can provide an understanding of the measurement of and methods for reducing greenhouse gases in transportation.

Performance Areas:
Emissions, Environment
Management Processes:
Monitoring & Adjustment, Performance Based Planning & Programming, Performance Reporting & Communication, Target Setting
Agency Functions:
Plan, Policy
Data & Information Systems, Tools & Technology
Agency Types:
State DOT
Resource Types:
Guide/Manual, Research Report, Webinar/Video

| Website

Emissions, Environment

The Infrastructure Carbon Estimator Version 2.1 is a spreadsheet tool that estimates the lifecycle energy and greenhouse gas emissions from the construction and maintenance of transportation facilities based on national emissions and energy use factors for materials and construction. Version 2.1 of the tool was developed through FHWA Transportation Pooled Fund TPF-5(362), led by the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

Publication Date: March 2017

| VideoWebinar/Video

Emissions, Environment

AASHTO and FHWA explore greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction techniques, GHG measures and target-setting, and environmental policies. The webinar includes an introduction to the recent Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for state DOTs and MPOs to measure and reduce their GHG emissions. Representatives from Minnesota DOT, Colorado DOT, and District DOT share their agency's efforts in tracking and reducing emissions. The webinar closes with a presentation from McVoy Associates about their recently published NCHRP guide titled "Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Guide for State DOTs".

For more information on the 2022 GHG NPRM, check out the GHG resource collection.

Publication Date: July 2022