Collection: TAMPs
Collection: TAMPs
This collection includes a selection of the TAMPs which are available in full from the AASHTO TAMP Library.
To search the resources by state either click on the state from the map or select a state from the dropdown under search filters.
Mississippi DOT 2022 TAMP | Plan
The updated 2022 Mississippi TAMP (further revised January 2023) outlines the guiding strategies for TAM efforts at MDOT. Under Managing Risk (chapter 5), MDOT's 2022 TAMP now includes a new section, "Risk in the TAMP", detailing MDOT's risk performance gap analysis efforts. Under Financial Plan (chapter 7), the 2022 TAMP includes a new section for "Overall Distribution of Revenue".
Publisher: Mississippi Department of Transportation
Iowa DOT TAMP 2023 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementIowa’s TAMP now includes the entire Primary Highway System, the complete highway network owned/maintained by Iowa DOT. The 2023 TAMP has a section for performance gap identification. Iowa's 2023 TAMP has sections for Asset Inventory and Condition, Life Cycle Planning, Performance Assessment, Risk Management, Financial Plan and Investment Strategies, and Process Improvements.
Illinois DOT 2022 TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe 2022 (published 2023) Illinois DOT TAMP describes Illinois DOT's plans to use performance data to drive investment decisions that align with national transportation asset management initiatives. Notably, the newest iteration of IDOT's TAMP includes a new chapter on Performance Measures, Targets, and Trends.
Publisher: Illinois Department of Transportation
Wyoming DOT 2022 TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe 2022 Wyoming TAMP presents the DOT's approach to managing its pavement and bridge assets. It includes sections on pavement and bridge conditions and programs, life-cycle cost analysis, financial planning and investment strategies, and risks to the transportation system. Notably, WYDOT's 2022 TAMP includes a section on Performance Management.
Publisher: Wyoming Department of Transportation
Oklahoma DOT TAMP 2018 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementOklahoma’s 2018 TAMP outlines a 10-year strategy for managing the state’s pavements and bridges, from 2018-2027. Oklahoma’s transportation system includes assets owned by ODOT as well as the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA) and local governments. ODOT manages 30,373 lane miles of roads, with 9,630 lane miles of NHS pavements and 20,743 lane miles of non-NHS pavement. There are 6,735 bridges maintained by ODOT, including 2,786 NHS bridges.
Publisher: Oklahoma Department of Transportation
Ohio DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementODOT's 2022 TAMP reaffirms Ohio's commitment to using technology, collaboration, and aggressive preservation activities to preserve system conditions. Although Federal performance targets are required only for Pavements and Bridges, ODOT also established 2- and 4-year targets for Conduits. ODOT exceeded the Targets established in 2019 TAMP for all the assets.
Publisher: Ohio Department of Transportation
Ohio DOT TAMP 2017 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementODOT's first TAMP was developed for 2017. The development of this TAMP advanced ODOT’s asset management initiatives and prepares the agency to address the changing environment in which it operates. The TAMP also satisfied Federal legislation requiring all state DOTs to prepare a risk-based TAMP.
North Dakota DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis document is NDDOT’s federally required Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP), developed under the requirements of 23 CFR 515. This TAMP addresses two asset classes, pavements and highway bridges. It further describes the transportation system managed by the NDDOT, the method of managing transportation assets throughout their life cycles, the financial constraints in managing the system, and the processes for managing risk related to the transportation system and services. While federal regulations only require the TAMP to cover the National Highway System (NHS) pavements and bridges, NDDOT has chosen to manage all of its pavements and bridges using the asset management principles documented in this TAMP. The TAMP is developed and managed by NDDOT’s Division of Planning and Asset Management and is updated every four years.
North Dakota DOT TAMP 2018 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementNorth Dakota's 2018 TAMP was created as a first version. The document was did not meet all FAST Act requirements, and a 2019 version subsequently replaced this version before the June 30, 2019 submission deadline for each DOT's TAMP.
Publisher: North Dakota Department of Transportation
North Carolina DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementNorth Carolina has published their 2022 TAMP update. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT, The Department) has long embraced data driven asset management practices. These practices were first compiled into a single asset management document in 2014. The TAMP is a strategic framework for considering the full life cycle cost and performance of transportation infrastructure. Long-term cost is minimized, and overall life and system-wide performance is maximized. The TAMP documents considerations for preserving the entire network of bridge and pavement assets.
Publisher: North Carolina Department of Transportation
North Carolina DOT TAMP 2021: Update to 2019 TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis document is an updated version of the NCDOT 2019 TAMP.
Publisher: North Carolina Department of Transportation
North Carolina DOT TAMP 2018 Interim Report | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementNorth Carolina DOT (NCDOT) produced an interim TAMP in 2018 as part of the process to develop the final plan that is due on June 30, 2019. As an interim plan, parts of the document are left for completion in the final 2019 submission. The 2018 TAMP provides a description of the processes NCDOT will use to finalize analysis for Chapter 4 – Life‐cycle Cost Planning, Chapter 5 – Risk Management Analysis, and Chapter 6 – Financial Plan. Chapter 8 Process Improvements will be included as part of the 2019 final TAMP submission.
New York State Draft TAMP 2014 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementNew York State participated in an FHWA project to create a pilot TAMP to fulfill MAP-21. New York was chosen as one of three pilot states, including Minnesota and Louisiana. NYSDOT’s Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP), provides a window into its asset management practices. The TAMP also establishes a blueprint that includes considerations of: risk, life cycle management, performance management, service levels, strategic alignment, and customer outreach.
Publisher: New York State Department of Transportation
New Mexico DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementNMDOT's 2022 TAMP provides an assessment of the condition of pavements and bridges on the Interstate and National Highway System and identifies future performance gaps based on current and anticipated finances and asset conditions. It also includes a description of the project selection process, how cost estimates are determined, the details of NMDOT’s financial plan, and an assessment of the risks inherent in managing such an expansive set of assets.
Publisher: New Mexico Department of Transportation
New Mexico DOT TAMP 2018 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementAs part of its long-term strategy for efficiently maintaining the 25,062 highway lane miles and 2,976 bridges under its jurisdiction, the New Mexico Department of Transportation compiled and released a 94-page Transportation Asset Management Plan in mid-April 2018 that advocates for $40 million a year in bridge revitalization funding and $294 million annually for interstate and non-interstate pavement funding. This is NMDOT's first TAMP.
Publisher: New Mexico Department of Transportation
Nebraska DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe NDOT 2022 TAMP describes current asset management practices to increase transparency. This TAMP highlights one of the agency’s eight strategic goals: "Asset Management – To operate, maintain, upgrade and expand physical assets effectively throughout their life cycle" and describes many of the detailed processes that support and guide decisions for project development and delivery.
Montana DT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe 2022 TAMP is MDT's third TAMP. The 2022 update continues to support agency efforts in achieving short-term performance targets and making progress toward MDT’s vision for Interstate and Non-Interstate National Highway System (NHS) pavements and bridges. Considered is physical conditions, life-cycle planning analysis, investment scenarios and risks for pavements and bridges, a roadmap for future investment strategies, and expected levels of performance.
Publisher: Montana Department of Transportation
Montana DT TAMP 2015 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) is MDT’s first formal plan that builds from the foundation established by MDT's Performance Programming Process (P3). The 2015 TAMP emphasizes communicating asset management objectives, documenting a management approach, synthesizing information, identifying potential investment strategies, assessing risks affecting transportation, and documenting current gaps.
Publisher: Montana Department of Transportation
Minnesota DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementMnDOT initiated a strategic planning process for asset management after completing the 2019 TAMP. The final plan, called the Asset Management Strategic Implementation Plan, provides direction for improving the management of highway assets over the next five years. It sets a vision for asset management at MnDOT and establishes near-term objectives. The TAMP planning process uses the AMSIP vision and objectives. MnDOT is recognized nationally as a leader in asset management.
Publisher: Minnesota Department of Transportation
Minnesota DOT TAMP 2014 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementAs a national pilot project, MnDOT produced a TAMP, along with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development and New York State Department of Transportation, to serve as an example and guide for other states. MnDOT worked closely with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the FHWA Minnesota Division, and regional partners (e.g. Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Regional Development Commissions) to create this plan. MnDOT additionally produced a TAMP Technical Guide, which provides further detail about the process, methodology analyses, and procedures used during its development.
Publisher: Minnesota Department of Transportation
Michigan DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementMDOT’s 2022 TAMP builds off decades of transportation asset management efforts in
Michigan, including the department’s 2019 TAMP. MDOT has used asset management tools to evaluate its network condition since 1997 to guide investment and programming decisions. The Michigan TAMP includes inventory and condition information, documentation of performance measures and targets, a description of the investment strategy and the asset management processes MDOT uses to guide program and project decisions, and financial and performance gap analyses.
Publisher: Michigan Department of Transportation
Maryland DOT Strategic Asset Management Plan 2019 | Plan
Asset ManagementThe Maryland Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP), developed through coordination with MDOT’s Asset Management Working Group, is intended to guide the Asset Management Program for MDOT, its five Transportation Business Units (TBUs) and one authority. MDOT is unique among state department of transportations at it houses all of the State’s transportation agencies in one organization, ensuring the interconnectivity of the State highways, toll facilities, transit, aviation, ports, and motor vehicle and driver services.
Publisher: Maryland Department of Transportation
Connecticut DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementCTDOT's 2022 Highway Transportation Asset Management Plan goes beyond federal requirements by including nine assets in addition to NHS pavements and bridges as well as major transit. Four of these assets are newly reported on since the 2019 TAMP.
Publisher: Connecticut Department of Transportation
District of Columbia DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis 2022 Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) provides updates to the Transportation Asset Management Plan certified by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in August 2019. This 2022 TAMP includes NHS pavements and bridges, DDOT‐maintained non‐NHS pavements (i.e., local roads and federal‐aid roads), non‐NHS bridges (including pedestrian bridges), tunnels, alleys, and sidewalks. While DDOT has attempted to develop a comprehensive TAMP including other assets, the analysis in this TAMP has been limited to assets which have sufficient data and information. As such, additional assets beyond the NHS pavement and bridges are not to be considered part of the TAMP recertification process.
Colorado DOT TAMP 2022 Draft | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementCDOT’s 2022 Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) describes Colorado's plan for asset management. CDOT's Transportation Asset Management (TAM) program comprises 12 asset programs. Each program is vital to achieving CDOT's mission of providing the best multimodal transportation system that effectively and safely moves people, goods, and information.
This document is the draft version of CDOT's TAMP (to be certified in 2022).
Publisher: Colorado Department of Transportation
California DOT (Caltrans) Asset Management Performance Report 2016 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis report was put together by Caltrans to meet the Phase 1 requirement of the TAMP. This California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Asset Management Performance Report provides an overview of activities accomplished in 2015 related to the implementation of asset management and key activities planned for 2016.
Publisher: California Department of Transportation
Alaska DOT&PF TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis report is Alaska’s second Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). The TAMP includes National Highway System (NHS) bridges and pavements only. As of July 2021, Alaska has 1,080 miles of Interstate and 1,148 miles of non-Interstate roads including 326 miles of unpaved non-Interstate NHS, which represents the nation’s only gravel roadways on the NHS. Alaska has 425 bridges on the NHS.
Publisher: Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
California DOT (Caltrans) TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis updated plan is the second TAMP developed for California's transportation system approved by the California Transportation Commission and certified by the FHWA in 2018. It was established in collaboration with hundreds of stakeholders throughout the state. It is expected to improve upon the initial TAMP and allow California to maximize results by managing the life cycle of transportation assets strategically to minimize costs and manage risks.
Publisher: California Department of Transportation
Arkansas DOT Initial TAMP 2018 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementARDOT's initial TAMP was produced in 2018. ARDOT owns and maintains the 12th largest State Highway System in the U.S. ARDOT’s physical assets include pavements, bridges, culverts, rights of way, facilities, and many additional traffic and safety features, such as retaining walls, signs, and guardrails.
Publisher: Arkansas Department of Transportation
Alaska DOT&PF TAMP 2019 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis is DOT&PF’s first TAMP with all federally required elements. The TAMP identifies DOT&PF methods for assessing the asset conditions, analyzing future conditions and asset management practices. Using a risk based approach, DOT&PF performed a gap analysis between desired state of good repair condition and available funding. Finally, these steps define Alaska DOT&PF investment strategies for meeting the demands of ensuring the successful management of Alaska’s transportation assets. Keeping with the DOT&PF TAM motto, “Start simple, grow smart, and show continuous improvement”, only the required NHS bridges and pavement assets are included.
Publisher: Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
Louisiana DOTD TAMP Pilot Version 2015 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementPublisher: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
Louisiana DOTD TAMP 2019 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis TAMP is an updated version of LaDOTD's 2018 TAMP. LADOTD’s TAMP focuses on improving and integrating their Pavement, Bridge, Safety and Maintenance Management Systems. The document includes sections on asset management, asset inventory and condition, performance and GAP analysis, life cycle planning, risk management, financial plan/investment strategies, and potential asset management enhancements.
Publisher: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
Delaware DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementDelaware's 2022 TAMP document is its fourth, and it includes the performance measures for NHS pavement and bridge conditions.
Publisher: Delaware Department of Transportation
Iowa DOT TAMP 2018 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe 2018 IowaDOT TAMP focuses on management, preservation, and improvement of the existing highway system. The TAMP also connects to other IowaDOT plans, Iowa in Motion and system/modal plans to Iowa DOT’s Five-Year Transportation Improvement Program (Five-Year Program). Iowa in Motion defines a vision for the transportation system over the next 20 years, while the Five-Year Program identifies specific investments over the next five years. The TAMP has a 10 year planning horizon and helps ensure that investments in the Five-Year Program are consistent with Iowa DOT’s longer-term vision.
Iowa DOT TAMP 2016 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementIowa DOT’s initial TAMP, describes how Iowa DOT manages its bridges and pavements throughout their lives, providing a framework that will guide funding decisions across Iowa DOT districts, divisions, bureaus, and offices. Sections covered in the plan include bridge management, pavement management, financial plan, risk management, investment strategies, and asset management implementation.
Publisher: Iowa Department of Transportation
Indiana DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) has developed a TAMP with the goal is to achieve and sustain a desired state of good repair over the life cycle of the assets at a practical cost. The 10-year outlook of the 2022 TAMP streamlines with INDOT's 20-year plan to fully fund the asset management plan for bridges, large culverts, and roads.
IDOT Group TAM Plan 2018 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe development of IDOT's initial Transportation Asset Management Plan began in 2017. As of 2018, Illinois' transportation system includes the Chicago and O’Hare International Airport, the second largest public transportation system, the second largest rail system, the third largest Interstate system, and the fourth largest highway system in the country. To manage the highway network, the State is divided into five transportation regions consisting of nine district offices.
Publisher: Illinois Department of Transportation
Rhode Island DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementRIDOT's 2022 TAMP is their second. In the four years since Rhode Island DOT's first TAMP, RIDOT has reduced the percentage of poor condition NBI-NHS bridges in the state from 24 percent to 16 percent. The 2022 RIDOT TAMP documents the strategies that inform the development of a 10-year plan for asset management.
Publisher: Rhode Island Department of Transportation
Georgia DOT TAMP 2022-2031 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementGeorgia’s Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) defines the condition of the state’s pavements and bridge structures, including culverts longer than 20 feet, on the National Highway System (NHS). This TAMP outlines the priorities and strategies used to cost effectively manage and preserve these assets over the next 10 years, deploying transportation asset management (TAM) and risk principles to make better data-based investment decisions in GDOT's existing infrastructure.
Publisher: Georgia Department of Transportation
Georgia DOT TAMP 2018-2027 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementGeorgia DOT's 2018 TAMP focuses on pavements and bridges, the largest share of Georgia’s transportation assets. GDOT believes the key drivers of an effective TAMP include:
-Clear links between policy, goals/objectives and decisions at all levels within the Department
-An understanding of the connection between proposed investments and expected results
-A long-term view of asset performance
-Feedback loops linking observed performance to planning and programming decisions
-Integration of data to support and drive data-driven decisions
-Georgia DOT leadership’s commitment
Publisher: Georgia Department of Transportation
FDOT Asset Management Plan 2015 | Plan
Asset Management, PavementThe 2015 Florida TAMP describes FDOT's approach to transportation system decisions. FDOT uses statutory guidance, analytical tools, and formal policies to ensure the state meets targets. Florida consistently ranks highly in state rankings for infrastructure condition.
Publisher: Florida Department of Transportation
FDOT Initial Transportation Asset Management Plan 2018 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementFDOT's asset management practices are mission-driven and are incorporated in the agency’s goals, operating policies, plans, and procedures. This business practice allows FDOT to bring together a variety of disciplines and stakeholders to collaborate on the commitment to sustainable asset stewardship, effective use of resources, and justifications for funding. FDOT uses a system-wide approach built on strong financial planning and investment strategies to create programming, prioritize projects, address risk, and prevent gaps.
Publisher: Florida Department of Transportation
New Hampshire DOT TAMP 2022 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis plan identifies risk-based analyses and processes to support the efficient allocation of New Hampshire DOT's resources. Its goal is to maintain assets in a State of Good Repair and reduce any potential system risks. The New Hampshire DOT worked with the state's four metropolitan planning organizations to provide a 10-year roadmap for the strategic management of NHS bridge and pavement assets.
Michigan DOT TAMP 2018 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe focus of the Initial TAMP, consistent with federal guidance, is on the Interstate and the National Highway Systems (NHS), and the national performance measures for pavements and bridges. Interstate and NHS pavements and bridges, while important from a national perspective, are just a subset of the total transportation infrastructure in Michigan. The focus of this plan is just on those assets initially required by the federal government, Interstate and NHS pavements and bridges.
This Initial TAMP describes the asset management processes by which MDOT makes its program and project decisions. It also includes inventory and condition information, a description of investment strategies, and financial and performance gap analyses based on four investment strategies outlined in federal guidance:
• Achieve the national goals: No more than 5 percent poor Interstate pavements; no more than 10 percent poor bridges.
• Preserve the condition of the pavement and bridge assets: Maintain current condition for Interstate and NHS pavements and bridges.
• Achieve and sustain a desired State of Good Repair (SOGR): SOGR aspirational goals for Interstate and NHS pavements and bridges based on MDOT’s current goals for these systems.
• Constrained Investment: Investment of the funds reasonably expected to be available for Interstate and NHS pavement and bridges.
Arizona DOT TAMP 2021 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementArizona’s economic competitiveness, quality of life and travel safety depend on the successful management of the State’s highway assets. This risk-based Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) documents a systematic approach for maintaining and improving the Arizona Department of Transportation’s (ADOT) bridges and pavements. The objective is to develop data- oriented investment strategies to achieve the desired state of good repair over the life cycle of assets. These asset management practices help ensure that ADOT can provide dependable and efficient operation of its transportation network to improve Arizona’s economic competitiveness, quality of life and safety of the traveling public.
Alabama DOT TAMP 2020 | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, Pavement, Resilience, Safety, System PerformanceThe Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) strives to find innovative and cost-effective approaches for improving the state’s transportation system. The development of ALDOT’s Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) is consistent with ALDOT’s desire to make data- driven spending decisions related to its assets. In short, ALDOT puts into practice – both on a regular basis and more specifically through this TAMP effort – the underlying principle of Transportation Asset Management (TAM): better decision making based upon quality information and well-defined objectives. The TAMP will be a central resource for multiple ALDOT Bureaus for asset information, management strategies around those assets, financial sources and forecasting, and business management processes. ALDOT, assisted by DYE Management Group, INC. (DMG), began the TAMP Development process in 2014 and completed its initial TAMP in 2018.
This is ALDOT's second TAMP.
2022 California TAMP – Draft for Public Comment | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis 2022 California TAMP is a Draft for Public Comment. The California TAMP describes the vision for how good asset management will help to deliver broad transportation goals and fundamental objectives supported by information on current asset conditions, the desired conditions in the future, and the likely conditions given future funding scenarios.The TAMP is also a key requirement of California law and of Federal regulations. California law (Senate Bill 486) requires Caltrans to develop an asset management plan for the State Highway System, as determined by the California Transportation Commission. Federal regulations (23 CFR 515) require an asset management plan for pavements and bridges on the National Highway System, including those owned by Caltrans and other federal, state and local agencies. This document is intended to meet both sets of requirements.
Wisconsin DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Wisconsin TAMP describes the rigorous, data-based, asset management processes which oversee Wisconsin's State Trunk Highway (STH) system, including the state's portion of the National Highway System. The TAMP prioritizes safety and condition maintenance in each of the metrics and strategies described.
West Virginia DOH TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe West Virginia TAMP guides asset management for National Highway System bridge and pavement assets. Through a robust 10-year analysis, many performance targets, and investment strategies, the TAMP equips WVDOH with the tools it needs to effectively manage their highway assets.
Puerto Rico TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Puerto Rico Highways and Transportation Authority (PRHTA) TAMP presents Puerto Rico's plan for achieving their bridge and pavement condition targets. Though still facing significant damages from Hurricane Maria and a backlog of repairs, PRHTA strives to improve their asset management processes and move away from their "worst-first" response. This TAMP describes the current condition of Puerto Rico's highway assets and establishes new strategies for asset management.
Texas DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe TxDOT TAMP guides the state in achieving long-term asset operation and safety for all road-users. As Texas's population and economy continue to grow, TxDOT relies upon the asset inventory, performance measures, plans, and strategies outlined in this document to maintain the high standards of their bridge and pavement assets.
South Dakota DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementSouth Dakota's TAMP maintains the tradition of valuing asset management, while reinvigorating its practices to meet the needs of modern day. The TAMP provides a review of current practices and inventory condition, improvements to both, and transparency to their entire process.
Oregon DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Oregon TAMP presents a record of Oregon's National Highway System pavement and bridges, which includes their condition, use, performance, and current management plan as well as alternative management and investment practices.
North Carolina DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Final TAMP of the North Carolina DOT (NCDOT) outlines the practices employed at NCDOT to match data-driven analysis to the challenges of lifecycle management, risk management, and financial planning. NCDOT aims to limit long-term costs while extending the overall lifecycle and boost the system-wide performance of the transportation network.
New Jersey DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe New Jersey TAMP presents a risk-based and performance-driven process for managing pavement and bridge assets. Developed in concert with transportation authorities, local governments and metropolitan planning organizations, the plan educates citizens and stakeholders while guiding asset investment decisions.
New Hampshire DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis plan identifies risk-based analyses and processes to support the efficient allocation of New Hampshire DOT's resources. Its goal is to maintain assets in a State of Good Repair and reduce any potential system risks. The New Hampshire DOT worked with the state's four metropolitan planning organizations to provide a 10-year roadmap for the strategic management of NHS bridge and pavement assets.
Nevada DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementNevada's TAMP describes NDOT's investment strategy for the maintenance of their bridge, pavement, and ITS assets. It meets the federal requirements of MAP-21 and the FAST Act while also creating accountability for future asset maintenance.
Mississippi DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe MDOT TAMP outlines the current state transportation asset management (TAM) in Mississippi as it seeks to engender a safe and efficient transportation system. The TAMP is an important counterpart to Mississippi's 2045 Mississippi Unified Long-Range Transportation Plan, for it provides the framework for cost-effective asset management throughout an asset's life-cycle.
Massachusetts DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Massachusetts DOT TAMP focuses on the condition of all Massachusetts bridges and pavement in the National Highway System and on state-owned infrastructure. It develops strategies for supporting investments and its goal is to provide reliable, modern, and diverse transportation options.
Maine DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementMaine DOT's TAMP aims to summarize the inventory of National Highways System (NHS), report on current conditions, and define an acceptable state of good repair (SOGR). This summary in turn helps direct the application of transportation asset management principles to the maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction of these assets throughout their lifespans. This TAMP also references and complements Maine DOT's Highway Corridor Priority (HCP) planning system.
Indiana DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Indiana DOT TAMP outlines a system of data-driven decision-making processes to effectively manage the roads and bridges in Indiana through the lifespans of those assets. The TAMP is integrated with Indiana's twenty-year plan to support steady and consistent improvement in bridge and pavement quality, improve safety along the transportation system, and increase mobility for the users of the highway network within Indiana.
Idaho TD TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis TAMP for the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) applies transportation asset management principles to the maintenance and upkeep of the portions of the National Highway System (NHS) that lie within Idaho. This document is an integral piece of ITD's larger asset management framework that encompasses its other complementary assets.
Hawaii DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Hawaii DOT TAMP lays a foundation for the effective, systematic, and data-driven management of Hawaii's highway and bridge assets. This TAMP describes the unique geological, environmental, and logistical transportation challenges the Hawaii DOT faces, and highlights the importance of transportation asset management practices and investment strategies as a key factor in addressing them.
District of Columbia DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementDC's Transportation Asset Management Plan establishes DC's ten-year plan for the maintenance, preservation, repair, rehabilitation and replacement of their bridge, pavement and tunnel assets. The TAMP focuses on performance-based decision-making, lifecycle planning and risk management to meet their asset management needs.
Delaware DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Delaware DOT's TAMP serves as a guide for the agency to implement transportation asset management practices as a central part of its planning process. The document aims to apply these practices not only to meet Federal requirements, but also to serve as a process framework to support broader, ongoing efforts within the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) to manage critical assets across the entire network for which it is responsible.
Colorado DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementColorado's TAMP presents a risk-based asset management approach. Supporting, maintaining, and expanding Colorado's transportation system is the central goal of the TAMP. It achieves this goal by following the FHWA and MAP-21 guidelines and focusing on effectively managing the state's pavement and bridges.
Arizona DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Arizona DOT TAMP uses risk-based, systematic process planning to lay out the groundwork for the long-term health of its asset inventory. Its goal is to develop data-oriented investment strategies to achieve the desired state of good repair. These asset management practices aim to ensure that the Arizona DOT can provide dependable and efficient operation of its transportation network to improve Arizona’s economic competitiveness and quality of life.
Alabama DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Alabama DOT TAMP is a guiding document for improving transportation asset management (TAM) and data-driven decision making processes at the Alabama DOT. Written in compliance with federal regulations laid out by MAP-21, the TAMP will be a central resource for multiple ALDOT Bureaus for asset information, management strategies around those assets, financial sources and forecasting, and business management processes.
Wyoming DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Wyoming TAMP presents the DOT's approach to managing its pavement and bridge assets. The TAMP includes sections on pavement and bridge conditions and programs, life-cycle cost analysis, financial planning and investment strategies, and risks to the transportation system.
Washington State DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Washington State DOT's 2018 TAMP documents the state's pavement and bridge assets and its approach to applying Transportation Asset Management (TAM) principles. This TAMP has been prepared to comply with Federal Highway Administration requirements. It describes the inventory and condition of the highways and bridges located on the National Highway System (NHS) in Washington, and it describes how WSDOT is managing these assets using TAM principles.
Vermont DOT (VTrans) TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementVTrans advanced asset management by completing the 2018 Federal requirement in three publications: (1) a public-facing brochure available in scrolling format and print format; (2) a 60-page report to engage people whose work overlaps asset management; and (3) an Evolving Practitioners Guide and fact sheets to capture and share technical knowledge.
Utah DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Utah DOT TAMP presents performance- and risk-based strategies for the management of state assets. It covers all of their Tier 1 assets which include NHS and non-NHS pavement and bridges as well as state-operated signals and ATMS devices. Ultimately, the plan outlines several investment strategies and Utah DOT's next steps.
Tennessee DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Tennessee DOT TAMP documents Tennessee’s transportation assets in order to maintain and preserve the state's transportation network. The TAMP also serves as a strategic document supporting the overall vision of the Tennessee DOT. The goal of the TAMP is to create proactive approaches to management of transportation assets with methodical processes that consider the strategic management of the overall transportation network.
South Carolina DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementSCDOT's TAMP covers pavement and bridge assets on the entire state-maintain highway system. It is a ten-year plan which exceeds FHWA's Transportation Asset Management requirements.
Rhode Island DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Rhode Island DOT TAMP fulfills and exceeds the minimum statutory requirements laid out in MAP-21, providing detailed information about all of the assets owned, operated, and maintained by Rhode Island DOT. While the required assessments of NHS pavement and bridge assets are included at the forefront of the document, Rhode Island DOT evaluated all of its assets in an effort to establish a comprehensive asset management strategy that prioritizes efficient data use and effective communication across divisions to pursue, achieve, and maintain a state of good repair for all Rhode Island DOT assets across the state. The TAMP provides performance gap analyses, investment strategies, and future plans to serve as a blueprint for progress over the next several years and to provide a foundation upon which Rhode Island DOT can continue to build, grow, and improve.
Muswellbrook Shire Council – Asset Management Plan | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Muswellbrook Shire Council 2011 TAMP includes agency goals for maintaining the quality, function, and safety of the transportation network. The document also outlines key performance measures, with a desired level of service, a process for determining the performance measure, established targets, and current funded performance.
Publisher: Muswellbrook Shire Council (Australia)
Pennsylvania DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Pennsylvania DOT's 2018 TAMP formally defines PennDOT’s framework for asset management. It describes PennDOT's risk-based, data-driven approach to project selection and its collaboration with regional planning partners. The TAMP projects needed levels of future investment to meet asset condition targets and contrasts them with expected funding levels. The TAMP facilitates a conversation regarding funding for a sustainable transportation system.
Oklahoma DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe 2018 Oklahoma DOT TAMP outlines a 10-year strategy for managing the state’s pavements and bridges. The strategy includes setting goals and objectives, reporting the current conditions of assets, and projecting conditions 10 years into the future.
Ohio DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Ohio DOT TAMP was published in June 2019. The plan is intended to satisfy the federal requirements, initiated by MAP-21, that all state DOTs to prepare a risk-based TAMP. The TAMP supports Ohio's goal of "Taking Care of What We Have" by outlining the technologies, collaborations and preservation activities undertaken by the DOT.
North Dakota DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe North Dakota Department of Transportation’s Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) covers several asset classes. The TAMP describes the transportation system managed by the NDDOT, the method of managing transportation assets throughout their life cycles, the financial constraints in managing the system, the current performance targets for each asset class, and an improvement plan for the process of managing these assets.
New York State DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe New York TAMP prioritizes asset preservation and safety through recommended investment strategies. New York State DOT seeks to achieve a State of Good Repair for all pavement and bridge assets. The TAMP highlights the current asset condition and outlines the actions required to fulfill this goal.
New Mexico DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementNew Mexico DOT’s TAMP establishes the current condition of the highway and bridge assets in the state and provides a strategy for maintaining these assets in a state of good repair. The TAMP specifically addresses NMDOT’s plan to achieve the performance goals set forth in recent federal legislation. NMDOT’s TAMP complies with the Federal Highway Administration’s requirements for National Highway System TAMPs. It is also a living document that will be reviewed and updated regularly.
Minnesota DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Minnesota DOT TAMP serves as an accountability and communication tool and informs capital and operations planning efforts. In addition to being a federal requirement, the TAMP is a planning tool by which Minnesota DOT can more thoroughly evaluate risks and develop mitigation strategies, analyze life cycle costs, establish asset condition performance measures and targets, and develop investment strategies. It formalizes and documents the following key information to meet federal requirements: description and condition of pavements and bridges on the NHS; asset management objectives and measures; summary of gaps between targeted and actual performance; life cycle cost and risk management analysis; financial plan that addresses performance gaps; and investment strategies and anticipated performance.
Nebraska DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementIn 2018, the Nebraska DOT developed this TAMP to document the current processes, procedures, and methods used to manage its assets. Many of Nebraska DOT’s asset management objectives and policies were already established prior to the passage of MAP-21. This TAMP describes Nebraska DOT’s strategic approach to meet the needs of the system and its users on highways and bridges.
Montana DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis 2019 Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) is Montana Department of Transportation’s (MDT) first formal plan that builds from the foundation established by the Performance Programming Process (P3) and describes how MDT manages pavements and bridges to fulfill the requirements of MAP-21.
Publisher: Montana Department of Transportation
Missouri DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementMissouri DOT's Transportation Asset Management Plan demonstrates the linkages between maintenance and planning efforts, and it documents Missouri DOT's financial planning, risk management, inspection, and budgeting processes. The plan will also assist Missouri DOT in making decisions about where and when to invest funds in infrastructure improvements.
Michigan DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Michigan DOT TAMP describes the asset management processes by which Michigan DOT makes its program and project decisions. The TAMP also includes inventory and condition information, a description of investment strategies, and financial and performance gap analyses based on four pavement investment strategies outlined in federal guidance. Those investment strategies are (1) achieve the national goals, (2) preserve the condition of the pavement and bridge assets, (3) achieve and sustain a desired State of Good Repair, and (4) constrained investment.
Louisiana DOTD TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Louisiana DOTD TAMP presents how the state proposes to allocate limited funding resources to bridge and pavement management needs. It provides an overview of the state's TAM principles and tools, existing guiding documents, and current inventory and conditions of pavement and bridges. It then presents performance scenarios, life cycle planning, risk management strategies, and the state's financial plan, as well as investment strategies and proposed asset management enhancements.
Publisher: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Kentucky Transportation Cabinet TAMP outlines planned road and bridge investments and desired levels of service for the next 10 years. It documents the processes used to develop the required elements of the TAMP and is compliant with federal requirements. The TAMP provides critical input to Kentucky's existing transportation plans, linking capital and maintenance expenditures to asset conditions.
Kansas DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Kansas DOT TAMP documents and organizes the existing asset management practices at the Kansas DOT to optimize investment in highway assets while providing an overview of the improvement actions needed to both increase the asset management maturity of the agency and meet federal requirements. The document establishes Kansas DOT’s objectives for managing the asset base to deliver a defined level of service in the most effective and cost-efficient way and summarizes how Kansas DOT's assets are managed throughout their life cycle. It documents the processes KDOT currently follows to manage assets, along with proposed processes to ensure that progress is made towards compliance with federal asset management regulations.
Iowa DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Iowa DOT's TAMP provides an overview of Iowa's asset management practices and their plans for future development. Areas of focus include the Iowa DOT financial plan, risk management, investment strategies, and asset management implementation.
Illinois DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Illinois DOT TAMP describes how Illinois DOT plans to use performance data to drive investment decisions that align with national transportation asset management initiatives. To do this, the plan supports the use of strategic performance objectives; introduces a systematic process that links investments to performance objectives; emphasizes the use of preservation treatments that extend the life of the highway system at a minimum practicable cost; considers agency risks or exposure in setting investment priorities; and uses asset inventory information, asset condition data, and analysis tools to evaluate options for allocating resources and strategically selecting projects.
Georgia DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementGeorgia DOT's 2019 TAMP describes Georgia’s current bridge and pavement asset management processes for improving and preserving the condition of the National Highway System. The TAMP includes information on asset inventory and condition, risks, life cycle costs, strategic goals and objectives, and data that report asset performance relative to stakeholder demands. The TAMP is meant to help Georgia DOT allocate transportation funds with responsible stewardship and maximum efficiency.
Florida DOT TAMP and Technical Report | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe 2019 Florida Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) provides direction and an explanation of the processes and policies affecting pavement and bridge condition and performance in the State. It focuses on business, economics, and engineering practices for resource allocation, project selection, and utilization, with the objective of informing decision making based upon quality information and well-defined objectives.
Publisher: Florida Department of Transportation
Connecticut DOT TAMP | Document
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementCTDOT's initial TAMP was certified by FHWA in July, 2018, and was updated in August, 2019. The CTDOT TAMP covers NHS pavement, bridge assets, and all other CTDOT-maintained pavements and bridges, as well as five additional highway asset classes: traffic signals, signs, sign supports, pavement markings, and, added in 2019, highway buildings. It also includes an appendix of fact sheets for sharing quick and simple information about the inventories and conditions of each asset class.
Publisher: Connecticut Department of Transportation
California DOT (Caltrans) TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe 2018 California TAMP describes the vision for how good asset management will help to deliver broad transportation goals and fundamental objectives supported by information on current asset conditions, the desired conditions in the future, and the likely conditions, given future funding scenarios.
Publisher: California Department of Transportation
Arkansas DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe Arkansas DOT TAMP documents the state's pavement and bridge assets and its approach to applying Transportation Asset Management (TAM) principles. This TAMP has been prepared to comply with Federal Highway Administration requirements. It describes the inventory and condition of the highways and bridges located on the National Highway System (NHS) in Arkansas.
Alaska DOT TAMP | Plan
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementAlaska DOT & PF seeks to develop their agency's asset management maturity in order to improve the life cycle management and performance of their resources. The TAMP addresses a desire to more effectively use rich collections of data, fill gaps in data and understanding of performance, and change organizational procedures and culture. This TAMP outlines a work plan for the timeframe of 2012-2014, composed of self-contained projects for the advancement of the agency's current practice.
New Mexico DOT TAMP | Document
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementNew Mexico DOT’s TAMP establishes the current condition of the highway and bridge assets in the state and provides a strategy for maintaining these assets in a state of good repair. The TAMP specifically addresses NMDOT’s plan to achieve the performance goals set forth in recent federal legislation. NMDOT’s TAMP complies with the Federal Highway Administration’s requirements for National Highway System TAMPs. It is also a living document that will be reviewed and updated regularly.
Publisher: New Mexico Department of Transportation
Montana DOT TAMP | Document
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) is Montana Department of Transportation’s (MDT) first formal plan that builds from the foundation established by P3 and describes how MDT manages pavements and bridges to fulfill the requirements of MAP-21.
Transport for London Highway Asset Management Plan | Document
Asset Management, PavementThis Highway Asset Management Plan (HAMP) has been written to provide all interested stakeholders with an overview of the policy drivers and investment decisions that affect maintenance of the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN).
Publisher: TfL Group Publishing and Performance