CPBM Risk Management Subcommittee Meeting April 2024 | VideoWebinar/Video
The Subcommittee on Risk Management meets on the second Monday of even-numbered months from 1:00 to 2:00 pm EASTERN time. Here is the zoom link for the recurring meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88100762204?pwd=RmY5M1JjSVBCcjgySWhzbVpjZmRtUT09
TAM Webinar 63: Consistency Reporting | VideoWebinar/Video
The feature topic of TAM webinar 63 was Consistency Reporting. TAM leaders shared insights from how their organizations approach consistency reporting and consistency reviews.
AASHTO CPBM/TPM TSP Quarterly Meeting June 2023 | VideoWebinar/Video
The feature topic for this meeting was Significant Progress Determination (SPD) Findings. Christos Xenophontos with the Rhode Island DOT kicked off this quarterly meeting with a warm welcome and agenda overview. Then we'll hear updates from AASHTO and FHWA. In the feature presentation, Kelly Morton with FHWA shared SPD findings on safety. Additionally, FHWA presented SPD findings from the NHPP & NHFP Analysis.
The meeting featured updates from the following groups: System Mobility and Emerging Technology (SMET) Joint Subcommittee, Policy and Rulemaking Work Group, Research Work Group, Professional Development and Technical Services Coordinating Subcommittee, Task Force on Emerging Performance Areas, Organizational Management Subcommittee, Risk Management Subcommittee, and the Asset Management Subcommittee.
Action Items:
- Contact Christos or Jean by 6-22 if interested in any of the Co-Chair openings (Policy & Rulemaking, Risk Management, System Mobility and Emerging Technologies)
- Save the date for the TPM Peer Exchange and Annual CPBM Business meeting on Sept 11-13 at Colorado DOT in Denver
- Sign up for the AASHTO TPM TSP (technical services program) which starts again on July 1 – contact Kyla from AASHTO if interested
- Register by June 8 to get a discount to attend the TRB TAM Conference, July 8-11 in Boston
- Consider being a panel member on an NCHRP research project, volunteer at:https://volunteer.mytrb.org/Panel/AvailableProjects
- Take advantage and share resources / training/ webinars developed by the TPM Pooled Fund at: The TPM Portal (tpm-portal.com) or the The TAM Portal (tam-portal.com)
Identify others in your agency who can participate in an AASHTO Subcommittee, Workgroup or Task Force– anyone from your organization can participate! - The SMET Joint Subcommittee would also like to highlight an open leadership position for the role of Vice Chair/Co-Vice Chair. See the attached position posting and contact SMET Joint Subcommittee Chair Daniella Bremmer if you have any questions or interest in the role.
TPM Webinar 17: Agency Innovations and Improvements Blitz | VideoWebinar/Video
CPBM OM Subcommittee Chair, Gary Vansuch with the Colorado DOT, gave a topic introduction to TPM Webinar 17: Agency Innovations and Improvements Blitz . In this webinar, we heard from numerous TPM leaders as they shared their agency innovations and improvements “popcorn style”.
Find attached the Zoom Chat comments for resources and links mentioned during the webinar: https://www.tpm-portal.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/13/2023/01/TPM-Webinar-17-Chat-Comments-230524.pdf
TAM Webinar 62: TRB TAM Conference Preview | VideoWebinar/Video
In TAM Webinar 62, we heard from numerous presenters about tracks and select sessions from the upcoming TRB TAM Conference. Resources linked in the Zoom chat during the webinar are provided here:
TPM Webinar 16: Caltran's Performance Management Framework | VideoWebinar/Video
In this webinar, Mike Johnson dove deep into Caltran's performance management framework. Johnson gave an overview of the development of Caltrans' Operational Plans, spending time unpacking the TPM component of the plans. He covered Caltrans' integration with Performance Based Planning and Programming (PBPP) and spent time reviewing their organizational performance outcomes. At the end of his presentation, Johnson fielded questions from webinar attendees.
AASHTO CPBM/TPM TSP Quarterly Meeting – March 2023 | VideoWebinar/Video
The March 23, 2023 joint meeting of the AASHTO Committee on Performance Based Management and the Transportation Performance Management Technical Service Program provides an update on the progress of the committee and TSP. The featured topic was the Next Era of Transportation: Vision/Moonshots.
Action Items:
- Sign up for Research Symposium on Mar 27 – register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0kdO2hqD8oHtA2HaUduwtfBCBWDtPh7UrE
- Save the Date: Sep 11-13 in Denver, CO for Annual CPBM meeting along with a peer exchange
- Participate in an AASHTO Subcommittee, Workgroup or Task Force– anyone from your organization can participate!
- Sign up for the AASHTO TPM TSP (technical services program): contact Christos Xenophontos if interested: [email protected]
- Take advantage and share resources / training/ webinars developed by the TPM Pooled Fund at: The TPM Portal (tpm-portal.com)
TAM Webinar 61 - TAM Innovations | Video
Asset Management, Bridge, Pavement, SafetyThe webinar features four presentations on TAM Innovations. We heard first from Justin Bruner who presented on PennDOT's open source asset management systems, OSS-1 and OSS-2. Next, Trisha Stefanski of MnDOT explained how Minnesota is incorporating TAM into their Strategic Action Plan. Then, Chris Whipple shared how UDOT is leveraging the TAM Data Assistant and other NCHRP produced tools to advance. Finally, Mike Johnson of Caltrans shared how California has been using TAM to find new opportunities for improving performance in a safety context.
TPM Webinar 15: Reflecting on the AASHTO 2022 Conference on Performance-Based Management, Planning, and Data— Takeaways and Next Steps | VideoWebinar/Video
This TPM webinar opens with a welcome and introduction from Christos Xenophontos from the Rhode Island DOT, followed by short FHWA and AASHTO perspectives on this topic.
Following the introduction, state DOT TPM practitioners from each track of the AASHTO 2022 Conference present their reflections:
Ryan Huff, Nebraska DOT - Summary from the Planning Committee
Deanna Belden, Minnesota DOT - Performance Management Track Reflection
Jessica Griffin, New Mexico DOT - Planning Track Reflection
TAM Webinar 60 - TAM and Resilience Building: Takeaways from the TAM Peer Exchange | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset Management, Bridge, Pavement, Resilience, System PerformanceThis webinar goes over the takeaways from the AASHTO 2022 Conference on Performance-Based Management, Planning, and Data Peer Exchange session on incorporating Resiliency in TAM.
Panelist Presentation slides from the conference's TAM Resiliency Peer Exchange
TPM Webinar 14: More Than Just Asphalt, Concrete, and Steel: Innovations From Our People that are Moving Our Transportation System Forward | VideoWebinar/Video
This TPM webinar opens with a welcome and introduction from Christos Xenophontos from the Rhode Island DOT, followed by short FHWA and AASHTO perspectives on this topic. Gary Vansuch, Chair of the Organizational Management Subcommittee, talks about his vision for the subcommittee as he assumes his leadership role.
Following the introduction, state DOT TPM practitioners present:
Gary Vansuch, Colorado DOT – the Lean Forum and his state’s Lean initiative
Kelly Backues, Missouri DOT – the state’s Innovations Challenge
Lisa Pounds, Arizona DOT – highlights of their recent improvement efforts
We end the session with Q&A and a quick wrap-up.
AASHTO CPBM/TPM TSP Quarterly Meeting – November 2022 | VideoWebinar/Video
The November 14, 2022 joint meeting of the AASHTO Committee on Performance Based Management and the Transportation Performance Management Technical Service Program provides an update on the progress of the committee and TSP. The featured topic was the System Mobility and Emerging Technologies (SMET) Joint Subcommittee.
Tim Henkel – 2022 AASHTO Thomas H. MacDonald Memorial Award | VideoWebinar/Video
For his longstanding service and contribution to improving the nation's transportation system, AASHTO presented the 2022 Thomas H. MacDonald Memorial Award to Tim Henkel at the 2022 AASHTO Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.
TAM Webinar 59 - Incorporating Maintenance Cost into a TAMP (NCHRP 23-08) | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThis webinar presents the findings from NCHRP Project 23-08 "A Guide for Incorporating Maintenance Costs into a Transportation Asset Management Plan", led by Applied Pavement Technologies. The research includes guidance for state DOTs to develop:
- procedures for identifying, collecting, and managing maintenance cost data
- life-cycle techniques and tools for demonstrating the value of maintenance activities
- strategies to include maintenance activities in 10-year investment plans with measured tradeoffs and benefit-cost analyses
- components of a financial plan displaying 10-year anticipated revenues and investments in capital and maintenance costs
Presentations and speakers include:
- Introductions – Anita Bush, Nevada DOT
- An Overview of NCHRP 23-08 Findings and Guidance - Brad Allen, Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. - Rob Zilay, Dye Management Group, Inc.
- Using Maintenance Quality Assurance Data to Support Asset Management – Morgan Musick, Alabama DOT
- The Role of Maintenance in the Life-cycles of Ancillary Assets – Trisha Stefanski, Minnesota DOT
- Maintenance and Ancillary Assets in CDOT’s Asset Management Plan – Toby Manthey, Colorado DOT
TAM Webinar 58: The 2022 TAMPs & BIL Requirements | VideoWebinar/Video
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementState DOTs are completing their federally required 2022 TAMPs. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) added additional resiliency-related requirements. States were offered the opportunity to extend the due date of their TAMP to December 2022 to provide time to include the BIL resiliency requirements. In this webinar, three states shared their approaches to meeting the BIL requirements in their TAMPs.
Speakers included:
• Todd Lamphere, Washington State DOT
• Mike Johnson, Caltrans
• William Johnson and Toby Manthey, Colorado DOT
• Tashia Clemons, FHWA