Resource Set: Multi-Objective Decision Analysis (MODA)
Welcome to our curated collection of MODA resources. This resource set contains each document, video, tool, or training resource related to MODA.
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Management Processes:
Performance-Based Prioritization Using Multi-Objective Decision Analysis (MODA) | Training
System PerformanceThis AASHTO training course was developed to educate and expose transportation practitioners to Multi-Objective Decision Analysis (MODA). Transportation agency decision-making today is quite complex; agencies must weigh investment decisions across numerous transportation performance management areas. This course describes in detail how an agency might implement MODA as an approach to help tackle those kinds of important decisions.
This course offers professional development hours (PDHs). To register for the course or to find more details about its curriculum, please click on the External Link listed below. This page will take you directly to the course's location in the online AASHTO store.
Click here to see the promotional flyer for the course.
The Multiple Objective Decision Analysis Tool (MODAT) | Website
The Multiple Objective Decision Analysis Tool (MODAT) helps prioritize candidate investments (projects) based on their performance considering a range of different objectives. The features of the tool can be accessed on the menu on the left side of the screen. To get started, first define a set of measures and objectives, then enter data on candidate projects to be prioritized. Once you have entered data you can conduct an analysis to prioritize projects using one of two different methods, and determine which projects would be funded based on the priorities and a specified overall budget. To visualize the results of an analysis, select “Visualize” from the menu.
Case Studies in Cross-Asset, Multi-Objective Resource Allocation (NCHRP Report 921) | Guide/Manual, Research Report
This report extends and implements the results of NCHRP Report 806: Cross-Asset Resource Allocation and the Impact on System Performance. Case studies were used to illustrate key issues in implementing a cross-asset resource allocation approach, and the lessons learned were then used to improve the guidance and tools developed in NCHRP Report 806.
NCHRP Report 806: Guide to Cross-Asset Resource Allocation and the Impact on Transportation System Performance | Research Report, Website
Asset Management, Bridge, PavementThe objective of this research was to develop a guidebook and tool prototype that senior DOT managers may use to analyze and communicate the likely system performance impact of investment decisions across multiple types of transportation assets. The guidebook includes a framework incorporating (a) the several dimensions of system performance important to stakeholders (such as mobility, safety, and community livability); (b) the multiple measures an agency uses to describe condition and service of particular classes of transportation-system assets (such as pavements, signals, and drainage structures); and (c) the targets that an agency may set for the various dimensions of performance.
The framework and tool prototype were developed under NCHRP Project 08-91 to reflect both technical best practices and transportation agency organizational and institutional needs.