New Mexico DOT Resilience Improvement Plan

New Mexico DOT Resilience Improvement Plan

NMDOT's Resilience Improvement Plan (RIP) evaluates the risks that current and future weather events and natural disasters pose to New Mexico's surface transportation system. Based on this analysis, the document outlines a prioritized investment plan for projects across NMDOT districts to enhance the resilience of the surface transportation system. It also presents suggestions for ongoing interagency collaboration and provides recommendations for future updates to the RIP, as well as policies, practices, and actions to embed resilience within NMDOT. The NMDOT RIP is methodologically aligned with the New Mexico Hazard Mitigation Plan and takes into account the well-being of all New Mexicans. This includes assessing evacuation routes, critical destinations, and the increased vulnerability of socially disadvantaged populations. The plan is also informed by related resilience and climate planning efforts undertaken by other state agencies in New Mexico, tribal partners, neighboring states, and local jurisdictions.

Resource Types: Plan
New Mexico DOT

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ERM Portal