Geotechnical Asset Management for Transportation Agencies, Volume 2: Implementation Manual (NCHRP Report 903)
This report presents a manual that can be used to implement Geotechnical Asset Management (GAM) planning.
There are several downloadable files that accompany Volume 2.
Links to those files and the information they contain include the following:
This file contains the spreadsheet-based (Microsoft Excel) tool. User information for the GAM Planner is provided in Volume 2, Appendix A.
This file contains a spreadsheet-based (Microsoft Excel) worksheet template for a life-cycle cost investment analysis tool. The template supports the process of selecting project-level treatment alternatives in GAM and can be used for investment-based treatment alternative analysis that considers asset or project life-cycle costs including design, O&M, and any potential rehabilitation or reconstruction treatments. User information for the NPV Template appears in Volume 2, Appendix E.
Training Slides
This file contains a slide-based presentation (created in Microsoft PowerPoint) that can be used during training for GAM.
Resource Types: Research Report