Consequences of Delayed Maintenance of Highway Assets (NCHRP 14-20A)

Consequences of Delayed Maintenance of Highway Assets (NCHRP 14-20A)

The objective of this research, NCHRP Project 14-20A Consequences of Delayed Maintenance of Highway Assets, was to develop processes for quantifying the consequences of the delayed application of maintenance treatments on highway pavements, bridges, and other physical assets. The research expressed consequences in terms of performance indicators (e.g., distress and level of service), costs to owners and road users, and other relevant factors and defined delayed maintenance applications by (1) the inability to meet the agency-defined application schedule or (2) the available budget relative to an unconstrained budget (i.e., availability of the funds required to perform all needed maintenance). 

Infrastructure Assets: Bridge, Highway Assets, Pavement
Resource Types: Research Report
Capabilities: Tools & Technology
Management Processes: Performance Reporting & Communication, Resource Allocation

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