TRB Webinar: Changing Transportation System Technologies

This event occured on 2021-10-13.

Featuring research from the NCHRP Domestic Scan 18-02, this webinar explores examples of agencies successfully adopting new technologies. The webinar will dive into the institutional and change management changes necessary to assist the progress of technology and lessons learned for succeeding in the process. The technologies discussed relate to integrated corridor management, traffic incident management, and road-weather management.

The webinar agenda is as follows:

  1. GIS technology used by Utah DOT: Corey Unger, Utah DOT
  2. Private sector partnerships to solicit innovation: Jay Hietpas, Minnesota DOT
  3. Effective recruitment and retention at Washington DOT: Jeff Pelton, Washington State DOT
  4. Question and answer session: Moderated by Michael Lewis, Former Director, Colorado DOT

The first 60 minutes of the webinar will be for presentations and the final 30 minutes will be reserved for audience questions.

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1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


TRB Webinar