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The AASHTO ERM Portal connects you to a searchable database of enterprise risk management resources: documents, presentations, events, tools, and more. The portal is designed to help enterprise risk management practitioners search and access relevant information from multiple sources.
NCHRP Reports
Guide to Pedestrian Analysis | Research Report
Safety, System PerformanceThe NCHRP Research Report 992: Guide to Pedestrian Analysis spells out several methods for conducting pedestrian traffic analyses. The report identifies analyses based on volume, safety, operations, and service quality. All of these analyses form a broader picture focused on improving active transportation and multimodal transportation in cities and regions around the country. The report presents evaluation methods which align with the Highway Capacity Manual. In addition to the report content, the researchers also developed and identified supplemental resources including presentations from a peer exchange workshop, computational engines, and an additional report on HCM pedestrian methods for sustainable and safe communities.
Implementation of the AASHTO Guide for Enterprise Risk Management | Research Report
This report presents pilots with three different agencies as they applied the strategies and practices identified in the AASHTO Guide for Enterprise Risk Management and smaller case studies from several more agencies. Many agencies mitigate risk on a daily basis without realizing or formalizing the process. This study seeks to raise awareness for systematic risk management across the agency including a risk community of practice, peer exchanges, webinars, and outreach. Checkout the report to learn more about the process of risk management and how it helped out these agencies. Alongside the report, the researchers also produced a presentation, a risk assessment tool, a budget template and a webinar video, all available from the external link.
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Guide for State DOTs | Research Report
Emissions, EnvironmentThis WebResource describes methods State DOTs may implement to assess and reduce their GHG emissions. The resource includes self-assessment tools, an overview of climate change issues, a framework for addressing GHG emissions, and numerous resources and links. The report organizes around nine functional areas of the agency, with cross-cutting topics to pull it all together. Through the discussions, tools, and resources in each section, the report provides support for reducing emissions across all stages of a project, from policy and planning to construction and maintenance. It also reviews stakeholder communication, partnerships with other agencies, and federal or state requirements. Readers may use this guide and its flexible presentation for addressing specific areas within an agency or to adopt an agency-wide approach.
Maryland Transportation Resilience Improvement Plan
MDOT has crafted this Transportation Resilience Improvement Plan (TRIP) to direct strategic investments in critical i…
Michigan DOT RIP
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) created this Resilience Improvement Plan alongside statewide and reg…
Utah DOT Resilience Improvement Plan
The UDOT Resilience Improvement Plan (RIP) strategically addresses vulnerabilities in Utah’s transportation systems…
Tim Henkel – 2022 AASHTO Thomas H. MacDonald Memorial Award
Asset Valuation Guide
The Asset Valuation Guide helps transportation agencies compute and leverage system level valuations of their transportation assets.
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